2015年9月發售: Marvel Action Figure Variant for S.H.I.E.L.D.’s 50th anniversary

This year, S.H.I.E.L.D. celebrates 50 years of service (and badassery)—and what better way to celebrate than by giving the epsionage organization a well-deserved spotlight?

Among the incentives announced at the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) convention this past March, Marvel revealed that September would see the debut of five one-shots that would spotlight one significant member from S.H.I.E.L.D. The issues, which will be written by five different creative teams and explore just how much the organization has influenced the Marvel Universe throughout the years, include Nick Fury written David Walker, Agent May written Jody Houser, Mockingbird written by Chelsea Cain, Agent Carter by Kathryn Immonen and Quake by Matt Rosenberg and Patrick Kindlon.

In addition to these special issues, Marvel will be releasing “Action Figure Variant” covers from Harvey Award nominated John Tyler Christopher, showcasing your favorite agents in vintage toy mode—and EW has your exclusive first look at the covers for Cain’s Mockingbird #1 Special featuring Agent Coulson (with art by Joelle Jones), and Houser’s The Cavalry #1 Special (with art by Luke Ross) featuring Agent May. The remainder of the covers will include a Fitz & Simmons 2-pack for the Fury issue, an Agent Carter action figure for the Agent Carter issue, and a Skye action figure for the Quake issue.

Check them out below, and find them all in comic stores in September.

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Source: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/06/12/shield-50-anniversary-covers